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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 1 Review

Release Date: November 18th 2011 Starring: Christian serratos, Jackson rathbone, Edi gathegi Director: Bill Condon

In case you are gonna see this film, I doubt this review will minimize you. Since vampire mania swept the earth with all the discharge of 'Twilight' last 2008, the Twilight Saga is continuing to grow from bad to worse. Breaking Dawn: Part 1 is an demonstration of everything wrong with the Twilight franchise. Like myself, if you're not part of the teenage 'twihard' demographic, avoid this grim sequel without exceptions.

Team Edward! Team Jacob! It is difficult to look at a show, when you've got a cinema filled with screaming teenagers who are around you. As the film opened with this first look at Edward (Pattinson) and Edwards friend jacob (Lautner), the screams from a minimum of 200 girls beckoned. Staying silent, I have to have counted four other men inside the cinema at most, undoubtedly dragged to determine the film by their 'twihard' girlfriends.

As the film progressed the screams died down, as well as the laughs grew. Where Harry Potter took advantage of telling its story between two films, almost gets a self-parody. The film's opening could well be it's strongest point. Mortal Jacob black (Stewart), who still can't catch a smile, is finally engaged and getting married on the love of her life, the sparkly vampire Edward, a vampire. Wedding ceremony speech montage from friends of the happy couple is the foremost moment inside the film. It is a shame it's cut short for the quick cliche stare down between rivals Jacob and Edward (with Lautner delivering nearly enough sarcasm to make the scene remotely interesting).

This is why the romance story ends. After that, the flick transcends in a rather grotesque soap opera. An anticlimactic lovemaking scene between Bella and Edward (during by which every girl from the audience, and some guys oddly enough erupted into cheers) leads to Bella falling pregnant. At this point look for out her human womb struggles to handle a foetus that's half vampire as well as the race to hold her alive begins. Because Cullen clan try to keep Bella alive, the film needs a stake for the heart with some laughable conversations between CGI wolves, who swear revenge for Bella's life becoming threatened by the Cullens. It's almost impossible to really make the plot sound right. It's pretty sure, if you aren't up to speed with the Twilight mythology, this film does not work being a standalone.

Things i found most disappointing was from an outsider's perspective, the script deliberately avoided anything that would have created for compelling drama, for the film to stay as light, cliched entertainment. Edward's hesitation over fathering a kid that may kill his wife, and Jacobs test of loyalty to his tribe went completely unexplored, instead the film centered on making Bella look as grotesque as possible while she struggles to outlive her potentially fatal pregnancy. From her illness, to her gore fest caesarean, I struggled to determine how this film was able to pass having a 12A rating. Perhaps some salvation might range from film potentially putting 13-year-old girls off pregnancy. From the deafening screams of cheers from your audience, Breaking Dawn somehow is able to do exactly enough to have fans excited to the sequel. I'd like to imagine we would finally see an action packed vampire/werewolf showdown, however, if one of the last films will pass by, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Verdict: 2/5

As someone who has become made to watch all 4 of the Twilight films, I can say this is certainly the worst in the bunch. Despite the presence of a few of the better acting of the series, pacing problems, awful special effects along with a relatively boring script highlight this is but one franchise that merely won't die. Still, I get a year to brace myself for the next one