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The Magic Of Micro Niche websites

Hello there now I wish to cover a really neat way to get you in a niche, develop money and potentially get several build and possibly actually grow because the niche itself becomes larger - please read on & you'll hopefully understand what After all.

Micro niche sites are one-page sites which are highly geared to very specific markets. They may be sub-niches, and some are sub-niches within sub-niches. Put simply, your marketing is laser focused on high paying keywords that don't have much competition.

Keyword Domination is the Key

The cool thing about micro niche sites is that you could totally dominate a search term extremely easily. Because they are usually one-page sites, they're simple as heck to construct. With a minimum of site building and backlinking, you can get a lot of traffic and rule the keyword.

Here's an example of a micro niche site. You could possibly make a site around solar panel kits used to build your own personal panels in the home. Your main keyword phrase might be something like "DIY screen kits." You'll find that it's greater word or two; micro niche sites target long-tail keywords, several of which are almost sentence-length.

Niche It Down!!!

I can agree that "solar power" is a large niche. But "DIY solar panel kits" is significantly smaller. That is where the "micro" in micro niche websites comes into play.

Micro niche sites are generally monetized either by AdSense or by promoting affiliate products.

One of the benefits of micro niche sites is always that they're very easy to build. How you can take action is always to make one, obtain it rolling, make the subsequent. Each one will give you some residual income, and with 50 or even more micro niche sites going, you'll begin making some serious cash.

Here's how to go about it.

Step one is, naturally, market and keyword research. However with micro niche websites, you have to spend a little bit more time here. Make certain you find long-tail keywords which may have low competition and tend to be earning money. This is really important simply because you wish to laser seen and offer the precise thing they're trying to find. It's not a niche site about, for example, weight reduction that comes with many different niche-related content onto it.

Don't Over Design

- It's Not really Worth It Site design needs to be simple and ads ought to be minimal. Don't plaster it with ads. Because these are MFA (Made For AdSense) sites, correctly tastefully designed otherwise Google's algorithm will ignore them. That is why you want to ensure that is stays clean.

Be sure Its Closely Targeted

Another cool thing about micro niche websites is basically that you don't require a lot of content. You only need Four to five articles. However these articles have to be excellent and the've to contain keywords and sub-keywords. This content should speak right to your laser-targeted visitors and it's your only possiblity to convert them into buyers.

When your first website is up, the cash will become rolling in. What kind of money? It will be similar to a couple of bucks a day. You're right if you believe it's not much; nonetheless it needs a week to produce a adsense website creation. So keep building until you will be making hundreds per day in residual income. That's how successful micro niche marketers take action.

Remember, making money online is usually like this; you make the site, launch it, market it constantly, after some time it starts earning by itself. And don't forget that's what its all about - making money don't loose sight of the - monetizing your websites are key because with out a financial reward (however small!) you'll loose interest, probably ahead of its going to come good!!! It's known as 'Sod's Law' - don't ask me why.